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  娱美德警告将解除《热血传奇手机版 》 、《沙巴克传奇》 2款手游的授权协议

  Wemade Warns of 《热血传奇手机版》、《沙巴克传奇》 Contract Termination

  > 催促盛大游戏支付《热血传奇手机版》 、《沙巴克传奇》许可费

  > 如继续拒不支付许可费时,将考虑解除合同


  > 一旦合同解除,将采取相应法律措施

  > Requested Shanda Games to pay overdue royalties.

  > If continue to refuse payment, will consider termination of contract.

  > Once the contract is terminated, all necessary legal action s will be taken.

  娱美德娱乐(代表:张贤国)的子公司 株式会社传奇IP于本月26日(周五)催促盛大游戏(Shanda Games Limited)关联公司蓝沙Lansha Information Technology)支付许可费。


  On May 26th, 2017, Wemade Entertainment’s subsidiary, Chuanqi IP Co., Ltd. (Chuanqi IP) has demanded that Lansha Information Technology, a subsidiary of Shanda Games, fully pay all outstanding royalties that it owes.

  株式会社 传奇IP是通过娱美德将《热血传奇》和《传奇3》事业部分立后成立的公司,根据韩国商法,从娱美德一揽子继承了作为分立对象部门的所有权利义务。

  Chuanqi IP is the subsidiary of Wemade that has obtained all legal rights to the Legend of Mir 2 <热血传奇> and Mir 3<传奇3> IP, when Wemade divested this part of its business and created the company.

  根据蓝沙与娱美德于2015年3月10日签订《热血传奇手机版 》‘MIR 2 Mobile Game License Agreement’约定,蓝沙应当向娱美德支付其研发及发行相关的许可费。 至今却只支付了其中一部分,其余一直未付。

  Lansha, on March 10th, 2015, entered into a “MIR 2 Mobile Game License Agreement” with Wemade to develop and publish the “Legend of Mir 2 Mobile Game”. However, Lansha has only partially paid the royalties that it owes.

  另外,蓝沙与娱美德还于2016年1月27日签订了《沙巴克传奇》 ‘Mobile Game Development and License Agreement’,而根据该协议约定蓝沙应当向娱美德支付研发及发行相关的许可费,至今却一分钱未付,

  Also, pursuant to the “Mobile Game Development and License Agreement,” in relation to “Shabake Chuanqi,” entered into on January 27th, 2016, with Wemade, Lansha must pay royalties for the development and publishing of the game, but no royalties have been paid up to date.

  株式会社 传奇IP催促蓝沙立即支付以上2款手游未付的许可费,如果还拒不支付,将根据协议约定立即终止协议。

  Chuanqi IP has requested that Lansha immediately makes all royalty payments and if the payments are not made, then both contracts will be terminated pursuant to the termination provision under the respective contract.


  Also, upon the termination of the contracts, the continuous service of the two mobile games will infringe on the copyright of the Legend of Mir 2 IP, and Chuanqi IP will take all necessary legal measures, such as filing for injunction, etc., to make sure that the IP is protected.

  株式会社 传奇IP强调,“蓝沙必须按合同立刻履行《热血传奇手机版 》和《沙巴克传奇》的许可费支付义务。对蓝沙违反合同的约定的非法行为, 株式会社 传奇IP将不惜采取一切手段和方法来坚决维护自己合法的著作权权益。”

  Chuanqi IP has put forth a statement saying, “Lansha must pay all overdue royalties in relation to the 《热血传奇手机版》、《沙巴克传奇》 pursuant to the contracts,” and that “the violation of the payment obligation is a tortious act and Chuanqi IP will take all measures possible to enforce and protect its copyright.”

标签: 传奇的客户端
